
Minimakers is a week long project in which students are asked to consider the role of beauty in forming a healthy and productive society. Students are challenged to transform and connect three large-scale problems into design opportunities at a local level : 
1) Hunger in America
2) The waste created by the devaluation of the process and people who work in the fashion industry
3) The environmental impact of synthetic dyes.
Charged with the goal of designing an outfit that will never become waste, students take on the responsibility as designers to identify and to communicate the value of what they create.

“By taking old clothing nobody wanted and transforming it into something people would never want to get rid of, we are solving several problems that many people didn’t even know existed."
-Ananya from 2013

Fashion is made by passionate, curious and intelligent people. Fashion is fun but when it is made at the expense of other people or the planet all magic is lost. Minimakers is about restoring that magic and sharing it with others. You can find out more information about the process that students have worked through and the resulting collections on the group pages here:
March - 2014 | March - 2013